10 hours.
Friday I got the static/transponder test done and that’s now in the logbook. That took a bit, because I had to chase down some leaks. And, somehow, I managed to snap off the hose barb that connects to the EFIS’s AOA pressure sensor. That really, really sucks. Now, once again, I have to dismount the EFIS and take it to MGL to have the AOA sensor replaced. Can’t fix the barb. The good news is that the AOA isn’t really necessary for first flight. Also, my combination AOA/Pitot doesn’t lend itself well to the usual testing method of slipping a hose over the end of the pitot and hooking it up to the test machine. But we worked around it by connecting the test line to the fitting where it connects to the pitot tube, so I’m going to assume it works. We’ll find out.
Static tests eventually worked out OK, and we were able to calibrate using the EFIS’s setup menus. All good! Signed off, sticker in the airframe logbook.
Today was about picking up the pieces and extracting the EFIS backup battery for replacement. I think it got run down too far too often and now it won’t take a charge and tops out at 6v. To do that, I had to relocate the IO Extender module to someplace that would allow me to get to the screw securing the backup battery in its bracket. When I had to move the IOX before to get it out of the way of the canopy, I’d put it on the end of a piece of angle behind the EFIS. This solution was kind of half-assed, and I never actually felt good about it, so this is actually an improvement: I put it on top of the throttle quadrant bracket, up out of the way of everything. I’ll have to dismount the transponder to make changes to the wiring, but that’s OK, it shouldn’t be necessary to change the wiring much. It’s much more elegant, and gives me plenty of room behind the EFIS to do what I need to do, plus it’s more secure.
I did have to extend the power and ground wires for the IOX, but I was able to use the trim position wires as-is. It also enabled a much neater wiring bundle instead of the slightly messy arrangement I had previously.